Message from the Principal

 Fri, 17th May, 2019

It is with sadness that I wish to inform you that after much deliberation I have decided to retire at the end of August 2019, following 37 years involved in teaching.

It has been a huge honour to serve as Principal of Ardgillan and I sincerely thank the parents, students and staff for their enormous support over the past 10 years. From the outset in 2009 the community of Balbriggan made me feel welcome and they generously gave their time and energy to ensure that the school would succeed. The parents, in particular, took a huge risk by putting their faith into the promises of a new Principal and for this I will always be grateful. The local shops, clubs and associations, too, have been hugely supportive, providing facilities, coaching and sponsorship.

I am certain that we have built an excellent school community that has the strengths to meet the numerous challenges going forward, (including the building). It is people who make an organisation strong, and by working together and supporting each other all obstacles can be overcome.

I leave Ardgillan with great memories, of what has been an incredibly positive journey. I will forever be grateful for the opportunities provided to me by the community of Balbriggan.

I wish the new Principal and management team every success and I will be available to provide any assistance if they should require it.

Mile buiochas

