For students who received an Office 365 account today, you can watch the following video to help log into your account and also follow the steps below:
Step 1: Type 'Office 365 login' into Google
Step 2: Click on Office 365 and then 'Sign In'
Step 3: Type in the school email address you received and click 'Next'
Step 4: Type in the password you received (this is case sensitive, please be careful typing it in) and then click on 'Sign In'. If you are having trouble with your password, you can email the school at and we will reset and issue you with a new password.
Step 5: When you are signed in, there are two main apps to use, Outlook and OneDrive
Step 6: Click into Outlook to access your email account and you can email your teachers from here. You are allowed to email your teachers directly during this closure period
Step 7: Click into OneDrive where you can create a folder for all of your subjects and organise/store work there.