Remote Learning - Update

 Wed, 18th Mar, 2020

Recommendations for our students during school closure


  • Approach each day through the lens of your regular class timetable. Devote at least 40 minutes of time to each of the subjects timetabled.
  • In accordance with the above, teachers will set an amount of daily work no more than that of a 40 minute class period on any given day (unless you would typically have a double).
  • This will assist you in planning your time and give you some structure.
  • Use your school journal to record your daily work. This will help you with time management and foster a sense of progress.
  • Students should do their best to do the work assigned and this will be factored in upon return to normal face to face classes.
  • If you have any ICT difficulties, please email us at
  • Please only email our staff during the school day.
  • JC & LC oral and practical exams will not take place before Easter and we will update you if/when we receive any further information from the State Examinations Commission.
  • Finally, we would ask that students do not congregate together outside of school as the whole idea of the school closure is to minimise student contact with one another. This is a critical time for the elderly and the vulnerable in our society and we all have a part to play in protecting one another.
